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Refresh! My Blog, Reborn

· Posted by Val in Company · Add a comment

Ahh, the best-laid plans of mice and bloggers... I had such grand ideas about waxing poetic every day, chronicling what we are learning as a company and my growth in transitioning from working at a company of a few thousand employees to our little bootstrap.

As published here, we all blog. Or at least that is the stated goal.

Unfortunately, the reality of my days sort of got In the way of my writing. Actually getting my work done (I love an empty inbox), along with the volume and complexity of what we are doing (ever dance with buying medical insurance or changing payroll companies?) left me trying to blog at the end of the day, when I was too tired to be coherent, let alone publishable, insightful or compelling.

But everyone has a full plate. As I used to say, "Raise your hand if you're not busy." No one ever did. So beyond the completely indefensible excuse of not having time, what was really keeping me from meeting this Balsamiq goal?

I struggle with writers block (is any of my job really interesting to others?) but feel a real pressure to support our clearly articulated value of what I call "radical transparency."

This led to some honest and uplifting conversations with Peldi. He is infuriatingly fluent in blogging (which I consider his fourth language, after Italian, English and French.) He thinks I just need to do it and do it and do it. He is a great and convincing cheerleader.

I am restarting this blog as a diary. I have a couple of ideas on hand that I will get out this week, but starting Monday, I hope to post weekly about one or two little lessons or projects that I learn or do. Initially the benefit will most likely be mine, but hopefully others will get some value by peeking through the window, too.

These blog posts will include:

  • What did I do this week?
  • What was hard? How did I solve it / cope?
  • What was wonderful and unexpected?

Phew. Lots to do, and while Peldi hit Inbox-Zero today (see below), my day is just beginning.

I better hit it. Have a great week, everybody!

Val for the Balsamiq Team

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